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The Inventory Solution

The Inventory Solution

We probably sound like a broken record by now, but in case you haven’t been paying attention, the Richmond real estate market is seriously low on inventory. But instead of just talking about its causes and impacts (like we do here), our most recent “Coffee Talk” session breaks down some potential solutions to the problem. And […]

Matthew Kirkpatrick’s Commitment to Building a Better RPS

Matthew Kirkpatrick’s Commitment to Building a Better RPS

“I am happy to announce that I am partnering with Scott Garnett and Building a Better RPS. I have partnered with Scott through Liberty Mutual Insurance to provide insurance to his clients, and am excited to expand our partnership to serve our community. Each quarter, a portion of my commission will be donated to the […]

Negotiating in a Hot Market

Negotiating in a Hot Market

Walk into any real estate office right now and you’ll hear the same thing; inventory is rock bottom low. Finding a house right now is historically difficult, because there just isn’t a lot on the market. This puts more pressure on the already competitive spring market. Homes are receiving 10 offers or more, and it […]

Our Commitment to Building a Better RPS

Our Commitment to Building a Better RPS

[three-fifths-first] The Fox Elementary school playground is the ultimate expression of ‘Community’. On most afternoons after school has let out, parents, grandparents and teachers stand around chatting while the children play. I’ve had some of the most life-changing conversations on that playground; and one day, while discussing the sad state of our school buildings, I […]

Homeowner’s Insurance Tips from Matthew Kirkpatrick

Homeowner’s Insurance Tips from Matthew Kirkpatrick

Owning a home is fun, but it comes with its fair share of hiccups. From a cracked foundation to a leaky roof, your house will find a way to make your life difficult – it’s just the nature of the beast! And while we don’t mean to scare you, we want you to be as prepared as […]

To Waive or Not to Waive

To Waive or Not to Waive

Spring is right around the corner and in the real estate industry, that means things are about to go bananas. As I’ve talked about before in this blog, inventory levels are low, and they aren’t going to rise anytime soon. The spring market is only getting busier, and this year will be no exception. If […]

Should I Buy a Foreclosure?

Should I Buy a Foreclosure?

It depends on what your goals are. But remember, just because a home is a foreclosure, doesn’t mean it is a good deal. A foreclosure is nothing more than a repossessed house whose value can be excellent, mediocre, or poor. With any home, foreclosure or otherwise, making an intelligent decision comes from making a purchase […]

A Chat with Wendy Martin on… Urban Chickens??

A Chat with Wendy Martin on… Urban Chickens??

Urban farming, urban gardens, and… urban chickens?? As more and more people choose to live in the city, we’ve seen the emergence of some pretty creative ways to live organically without moving out to the suburbs. Urban farming has been a rising trend for some time now, but what a lot of people don’t know […]

Waiving inspections to win a bid: good or bad idea?

Waiving inspections to win a bid: good or bad idea?

I think it is, especially for older homes. Unless you have a strong contracting background, waiving inspections is a dangerous game. A better idea would be to agree to absorb the first $x of inspection items that are found to make sure that you don’t unknowingly bite off a $10,000 (or more) structural issue. In […]

Introducing our Team!

Introducing our Team!

You’ve made it to this post, so you must know by now that we’ve teamed up to create the Scott Garnett Team! New year, new website, and (you guessed it!) new us. We wanted to share with you the philosophy behind our team, how we got here, and most importantly, how our team can bring […]